Your modern living is not in harmony with Mother Nature and thus your physical, mental and spiritual well-being. Ever realized how strongly it impacts your living? Japanese people understand this and follow a simple lifestyle that has healthy diet, minimal things in home and actually have no furniture. This is the rule of minimalism!
Any furniture such as chairs, sofas, and luxurious beds raised off from the ground blocks your way from being close to the floor. And according to a study any individual who can easily rise from the floor after sitting is more likely to live a healthy life than someone who has trouble in doing this. Try visiting a Japanese home, although the structures might have become modern, but the living standards remain still traditional.
Our article today is highly focused on discussing the health benefits of staying intact with Mother Nature, using floor, colors of nature and a house that is almost vacant, with minimal furniture – but with humans. It’s time you should start removing clutter from your home and get accustomed to the Japanese futon bed that has more health benefits than your routine diet.
- Improved Bowel Movements
Tried the squats? Squats are an excellent way of toning and flexing your leg muscles and joints, but it’s also great for your back and colon, perineum and rectal muscles. When you start using the floor for sitting and rising, you’re actually doing squats throughout the day. This results in more regular bowel movement, hence better health.
- Improved Sleep and Energy Levels
You won’t understand it unless you experience it. Traditional Japanese futon mattress might seem firm but is a healing source for the entire body and spinal cord. Your floor rituals will also include futon bed which is hand-made from 100% cotton and either is laid out on the floor or on a tatami mat. It alleviates the spine, corrects the posture, allows proper circulation and frees the body from allergies.
You will start experiencing great levels of energy and deeper levels of sleep. Just link this experience to meditating process, you use the floor to sit on, here you’re doing the same but in sleeping position where your body is already spread out to rejuvenate. Moreover, sitting on futon or ground will also put you in the natural meditating position without you realizing it. The end results are longer duration of relaxed feeling.
- Improved Posture and Better Back
A great benefit of sleeping on an authentic futon mattress or sitting on the floor is; a straightened spine and better posture. When you use regular soft beds you’re weakening your abdominal muscles and loosening up your joints. The major cause of bad back (which Japanese don’t experience) is the sleep you enjoy on regular beds which seems as comforting, rather they put you in an awkward posture during sleep and results in back pain.
Sleeping on a futon is a great way to prevent and recover from back pain and herniated discs. Ever realized how excessive sitting in a chair cripples your posture, causes back pain, neck pain, and other physical structural problems? Well, using the floor does the opposite here. NOTE: There’s one warning before you end trying; it will take you a long while before your muscles develop to the point where they don’t get sore. So don’t give up. The benefits are so worth the try.
- Improved Mental Clarity and Emotional Stability
You will also be surprised at how clearly your mind starts working. The truth is that there is no limit to how high you can go, but only when you are directed in the right way! The point here is that you won’t know that there are higher states of you until you actually experience it and are ready to see the difference of before and after. In other words, improved mental intelligence and well-being is known to be a by-product of meditation – the floor touch.
Using the floor more will circulate life force energy in you, more effectively, evenly and efficiently. When you have a clear room, less clutter, more space, better approach to nature then you can easily control your own energy and direct it to where you want. Your mind will work better with clear vision, perspective, and energy. This all makes sense because good health, calmness and stress free home is the key source to your well being.
- Spiritually Grounded
Last but not the least; the grounding is the most important health secrets. Mother earth is known to emit abundant electrons which absorbed easily through feet on the soil, water, and dewy grass. These electrons cause magical changes to your circulation, reduce pain, decrease inflammation, thin your blood, promotes healthy sleep, and prevents cardiovascular disease. Need more? Get grounded, use the Japanese Mantra of fresh and youthful living.